For its latest compilation, SeaView is bringing together data from the Southern Ocean (defined as south of -30 degrees latitude). These data come from four oceanographic repositories: CCHDO (CTD and bottle data), OBIS (microbial community data from micrOBIS), the Palmer Station LTER (zooplankton data), and Argo floats. Because the
Continue reading »Bermuda Atlantic Time-Series Collection
The Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences is home to world’s longest running physical deep-ocean time series, Hydrostation S. Thirty years ago, these observations were expanded to multiple sites throughout the Sargasso Sea. SeaView exclusively provides unique data from its three partner repositories in this collection. We apologize that the
Continue reading »Hawaii Ocean Time-series Collection
Scientists working on the Hawaii Ocean Time-series (HOT) program have been making repeated observations of the hydrography, chemistry and biology of the water column at a station north of Oahu, Hawaii to provide a comprehensive description of the ocean at a site representative of the North Pacific subtropical gyre.
Continue reading »Pioneer Data Collection
The Ocean Observatory Initiative has deployed the Pioneer array of sensors on the shelf and slope of the US East Coast. To serve scientists developing research projects around the OOI assets, SeaView is providing links to data from the Pioneer Array region in its partner repositories, using two standard formats: ODV and netCDF.
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